"Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... that's what gets you"
- Jeremy Clarkson.


Motorsport. It is not a hobby. It is more. It is a passion. It is a way of life. Every lap counts. It is a goal in life to be every lap absolutely on point, accurate to a hundredth.
„Look out there. Out there is the perfect lap. No mistakes. Every gear change, every corner. Perfect.“
- Ken Miles

For success, the whole team has to work hand in hand. It is never a solo effort. It is always about the whole team. From the truck driver to the race car driver - everything has to be 100% on point. You can see the results on the stopwatch. Every lap. Each lap should be better than the previous. Improvement is the key. You always have to strive to be better than the others. Better than the past. The personal development, the personal progress - it is part of the lifestyle.
Already in Karting you start to educate the children. The smallest details in life come up. One hundredth per lap is decisive. This ultimately makes the difference between victory or defeat. This is the goal of RH Race Engineering. Getting the best out of the car. The best out of the driver. Finding the perfect lap. Becoming better every day. Every second. Therefore, we offer the whole package of Engineering and Driver Support.


Performance Engineering

Evaluating car data and drivers comments for improvements. It comes along with set up changes by looking at the mechanical, aerodynamical behaviour as well as the pressures and temperatures. Supporting the driver to bring out the best possible performance.

Data Engineering

Monitoring of the electric system of the car. Analysing the logged data for improvements or detect car and driver issues.

Driver Coaching

Helping the driver to improve lap time. Gaining better knowledge of the race car. Besides improving driving skills, physical progress is indispensible. Therefore, we offer an all-embracing package.
In collaboration with the emko institute Silvana Pervan provides outstanding wealth of experience in mental coaching of professional athletes.



Founding of
RH Race Engineering

Raphael Hess

Race Engineer, PhD Student


Racing has been with me since my childhood. Started as a driver at the age of four. I have been working as data engineer and driver coach since 2013 for Karting. Since 2017 I extended my experience as chief, data and race engineer in motorsports. TCR, Formula 4, LMP 1 and GT 4, since 2021 also GT 3. In addition to my work as scientific assistant at the RWTH Aachen University. I bring together the academical and practical knowledge from different sides. Engineering and racing. I focus on maximum performance, precise analysis and optimal communication with the team. With me you can rely on highly structured work and experience-based driver coaching.


RH Race Engineering is a team of highly professional engineers. Our strength lies in the collective experience. Working with numerous racing teams across the world and various race series. We bring a comprehensive understanding of challenges that come different cars and competitions. Our team is a group of specialists, each with a unique set of skills through years of hands-on experience and shared passion for motorsports excellence.